When you arrive you will be met by your nurse who will take care of you during your stay. Your details, temperature, pulse, blood pressure and weight will be checked.
You will meet your surgeon and anaesthetist, and will be asked to sign a consent form if you have not already done so.
The exact time of your operation can not always be given, however your nurse will provide up-to-date relevant information as necessary.
Your nurse will escort you to the operating theatre where you will have your operation.
Following your operation, you will wake up in the recovery area and then be taken back to the Day Unit.
After about one hour following an operation, many patients are ready to enjoy a cup of tea and sandwiches.
You may be asked to remain in the Unit for up to 4 hours after your operation to ensure that you are fully recovered from your anaesthetic.
A nurse will provide any advice on post-operative care. Pain relieving tablets may be prescribed by your anaesthetist or surgeon.